Thinks it can become complicated easily if they are not reminded
I paid the consultancy to take care of everything, they should do this as well
Looks for online resources to understand the process
Thinks one SOP is enough for all colleges and just changing the university name should be sufficient
I can write for myself, So I did it.
Looks as essay writing help to create a structure
Thinks that the consultancy will take care of it for her
Someone who isn't fluent in english will ask the consultancy to do it
Uses grammarly to get help with spell check
There is no proper structure to refer to
It was fairly easy process for me, I looked at few examples and drafted my own version
Asks friends and CS people to proof read and make modifications
SOP is not that important part of the process, So I don't need to plan for it specifically
Each university has an individual format of SOP that they usually prefer
Uses the same SOP and changes the name at the end
If I use content from applicants who got the admission I should be good
Getting on a call is easier than to and fro in mails